- OMEGA熱電偶
- OMEGA熱電偶線
- OMEGA熱電偶補償導線
- OMEGA插頭插座面板
- OMEGA熱電阻
- OMEGA熱敏電阻
- OMEGA變送器
- OMEGA高溫膠
- OMEGA紅外溫度測量儀器
- OMEGA溫濕度標簽
- OMEGA溫濕度計
- OMEGA溫濕度傳感器
- OMEGA泵和混合器
- OMEGA校準器
- OMEGA壓力計
- OMEGA壓力表
- OMEGA壓力開關
- OMEGA壓力傳感器
- OMEGA稱重傳感器
- OMEGA應變片
- OMEGA液位開關
- OMEGA液位傳感器
- OMEGA流量計
- OMEGA扭矩傳感器
- OMEGA位移傳感器
- OMEGA加速度計
- OEMGA風速計
- OMEGA萬用表
- OMEGA pH和傳導
- OMEGA加熱器
- OMEGA信號調節器
- OMEGA數據記錄儀
- OMEGA I/P轉換器
- OMEGA數據采集
- OMEGA自動化
- OMEGA數顯表
- OMEGA壓力應力重力傳感器
- 圣戈班軟管
- 美國Antylia
- 美國Masterflex
- 美國Cole-Parmer
- 德國HelixMark
- Cole-Parmer流量計
- 美國Masterflex泵管
- 道康寧/Dow Corning硅膠管
- Kinesis
- 美國pyrex
- 美國zefon
- Nasco Whirl-Pak無菌采樣袋
- Ismatec泵|軟管
- 日本Horiba
- 英國Burkard布卡德
4線A級Pt100 RTD可與 2線、3線或4線系統配合 使用
溫度范圍:-50~260°C (-58~500oF)[連接器上zui高為85°C (185oF)]
M12 A標公連接器,易于安裝,提供2種接線布置選擇
適配所有標準0.260"孔徑熱 電偶套管(單獨銷售)
M12延長電纜,提供 4~20 mA變送器及其 他配件
ModelNo. |
Resistance |
AccuracyClass |
Thermowell |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-0250-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
2?" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-0400-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
4" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-0600-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
6" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-0900-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
9" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-1200-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
12" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-1500-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
15" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-1800-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
18" |
PR-21SL-3-100-A-2400-M12-1 |
100.00±0.06Ω |
ClassA |
24" |
* Class A Accuracy = ±(0.15 + 0.002*t)°C where “t” = temperature in °C regardless of sign.
For the alternate wiring arrangement, change “-1” to “-2” in the model number, no additional cost.
For a probe length not listed up to 24", change the stem length in the model number to the required stem length (Example: 1250 = 12?") and use the price of the next longer sensor.
Ordering Example: PR-21SL-3-100-A-0400-M12-1, 4-wire 100 Ω Class A RTD sensor with M12 connector wired in the “-1” configuration (see figure) that spring loads into a thermowell with a 0.260" diameter bore and a stem length of 4" or less.