- OMEGA熱電偶
- OMEGA熱電偶線
- OMEGA熱電偶補償導線
- OMEGA插頭插座面板
- OMEGA熱電阻
- OMEGA熱敏電阻
- OMEGA變送器
- OMEGA高溫膠
- OMEGA紅外溫度測量儀器
- OMEGA溫濕度標簽
- OMEGA溫濕度計
- OMEGA溫濕度傳感器
- OMEGA泵和混合器
- OMEGA校準器
- OMEGA壓力計
- OMEGA壓力表
- OMEGA壓力開關
- OMEGA壓力傳感器
- OMEGA稱重傳感器
- OMEGA應變片
- OMEGA液位開關
- OMEGA液位傳感器
- OMEGA流量計
- OMEGA扭矩傳感器
- OMEGA位移傳感器
- OMEGA加速度計
- OEMGA風速計
- OMEGA萬用表
- OMEGA pH和傳導
- OMEGA加熱器
- OMEGA信號調節器
- OMEGA數據記錄儀
- OMEGA I/P轉換器
- OMEGA數據采集
- OMEGA自動化
- OMEGA數顯表
- OMEGA壓力應力重力傳感器
- 圣戈班軟管
- 美國Antylia
- 美國Masterflex
- 美國Cole-Parmer
- 德國HelixMark
- Cole-Parmer流量計
- 美國Masterflex泵管
- 道康寧/Dow Corning硅膠管
- Kinesis
- 美國pyrex
- 美國zefon
- Nasco Whirl-Pak無菌采樣袋
- Ismatec泵|軟管
- 日本Horiba
- 英國Burkard布卡德
Kearns and March knockdown chamber
Kearns and March knockdown chamber
Product Description
For evaluating fly sprays based on the technique described in Soap and Sanitary Chemicals (Feb 1943) Vol. 19 p 101-104, 128 with certain modifications.
The dosage for mortality tests is 0.2 ml per sprayer (total 0.4 ml). The percentage mortality obtained with the official test insecticide at a dosage of 0.4 ml should be between 30 per cent and 55 per cent. Under different conditions of fly breeding and testing it might be necessary to vary the dosage in order to obtain kills within this range.